Iran’s FM said he did NOT know about covert Israel military ops before Kerry told him about it…

The Iranian foreign minister just told an interviewer that he did not know about Israel’s covert strikes on Iranian targets in Syria before Kerry informed him about it:

FREE BEACON – Leaked audiotape of Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif indicates he had no knowledge of covert Israeli military strikes before former secretary of state John Kerry provided him with the information, new details that contradict the State Department’s recent defense of Kerry.

These details are likely to further fuel calls from leading Republicans for Kerry’s firing or resignation. The New York Times reported that Zarif said on the tape that Kerry told him Israel launched 200 airstrikes against Iranian interests in Syria. The Times did not provide further details on that issue. But an independent translation of the audiotape commissioned by the Washington Free Beacon shows that Zarif went on to clarify that he had no prior knowledge of these Israeli strikes before Kerry told him.

“Kerry told me that Israel had launched 200 airstrikes against you [Iran],” said Zarif. “You didn’t know?” asked his interviewer. “No, no,” he replied.

These new details contradict top State Department officials, who have repeatedly said the information was already in the public domain and not classified.

Kerry of course has categorically denied doing this, but I don’t know why Zarif would lie about something like this, especially when he was saying it behind closed doors.

Ted Cruz responded to Free Beacon’s article, saying “If this transcript is confirmed, John Kerry must resign immediately and if he doesn’t, President Biden must fire him immediately.”

I honestly believe that Kerry probably did do it, as both he and Obama undermined Israel every chance they got. But I don’t believe Biden will take any actions against Kerry, as the state department so far has done nothing but defend Kerry and claim that the ‘right’ is playing games. And the media surely won’t pressure Biden on this because they don’t care about Democrat scandals.

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